Recipe: Chocolate Grog

A recipe I came up with when only having wodka left for drinking .. but not being very in favor of sipping it pure 🙂

recipie for a 465 ml cup (in my case: Dark Aura Skull Mug)


  • 4 teaspoons of your favorite honey (eg. sunflower or lavendar)
  • 3 teaspoons of dark chocolate / cocoa powder
  • hot, but not boiling water (75° C ~= 167 F)
  • wodka (or your prefered kind of high-percentage, alcoholic beverage)


first, add the honey, next on, the dark chocolate; try to mix it first in.
after this, add the hot water and mix it thoroughly.
finally, add the wodka up to the brim of the cup – et voila: Chocolate Grog! 🙂

ps: Created during hatemior‘s show 🙂

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