It’s just as I’ve feared (and probably many others): After the sell-out of CSS Tricks in 2022, its new masters let it tatter on for about a year, and then stopped publishing any new content around mid April of 2023.
So now its only reason for existence is content, content, content = SEO paradise, and the almanac (which is also “content content content”).
That 15 years project is getting now an even worse treatment than other long-time runners got, ie. letting it slowly fade-away into triviality.
Probably, in another few months, its gonna be folded into another “exciting adventure” of its current masters, and then disappear from the web entirely.
Although it could be revived, like other sites were in the past, for example:
SelfHTML – originally an introduction and daily helper in terms of how to use HTML + CSS, and to some extends, also Javascript. Eventually it was turned into a (somewhat medicro) wiki and the supporting people founded an association (Verein), but it is still active and around.
Recently, they even asked themselves whether SelfHTML is still valid to be around, but come to the conclusion, that yes, esp. for native German speakers, and beginners, its still a valid and solid introduction and reference.
A List Apart – from the originally ground-breaking tutorials and articles, its turned mostly into a teaser-orgy for other peoples grand books on topic xyz, and the rest is filled with essays about work, but sometimes, there still is useful content to be found.
Smashing Magazine – has grown tremendiously and despite having a phase of stand-still a few years ago, seems to have climbed out of that valley. Today I went to their front page, and the “top links” / introduction section about helpers and tools was indeed a tremendous help. A lot of the articles posted there are not my cup of tea, but they have definitely broadened their spectrum, and despite that mentioned “valley of stand-still”, seemingly have managed to avoid turning into yet another run o’ the mill, “jack of all trades” magazine.
Tympanus Codrops – does still the same, ie. posts of CSS / JS / Web design experiments, but mixes and breaks up things with a bit more lively, varied content.